"My daughter came home one day from a Tae Kwondo lesson talking about 'being a sharp pencil' - being focused and your best self. This was the inspiration behind my site name, because all the work I'm showing here are the projects that show what I do best.
Big Heart Pet Brands
Bare Minerals
+ more
Rachel Rochelle is an art director and designer from the U.K. In 2006, she graduated with a BA in Graphic and Media Design from London College of Communication, where substance over style was the overarching message. Her first design job was with Tree-Axis, a multimedia design agency. She designed a 50 foot glass mural for the Juvenile Hall, creating a typographic tree illustration with the teenagers' poems. She also worked on programming templates for Adobe Illustrator. She has since worked for MTV, Chronicle Books, Bare Minerals, Mekanism, the digital publishing platform ISSUU, and RAPP, the world-class creative agency. Rachel enjoys traveling, reading and has a deep (roasted) love for coffee. She is currently available for freelance projects.
CV available upon request.